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Goals of the RBDD Project
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Bleeding disorders pose important problems for women because of the reduced quality of life caused by limitations in activities and work, and because of the relationship of these disorders to reproductive issues. These problems include excessive menstrual bleeding or menorrhagia, bleeding complications during pregnancy and after delivery and their related complications such as chronic anemia.
In the last years there has been an increased international interest in women with inherited bleeding disorders. This has led to considerable progress in the identification of obstetric and gynaecological problems in these women raising clinical awareness amongst their care providers. However many issues remain unresolved

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What could be done? Our project
The aim of this study is to perform a prognostic retrospective follow-up study collecting data from women affected by bleeding disorders (including carriers of hemophilia, von willebrand disease, rare bleeding disorders, platelet disorders) and from non-affected women coming from the same socio-economic and cultural habit.

The primary goals are:

To establish an International network between different treatment centres
  To determine the prevalence of bleeding disorders in women:
To evaluate the severity and prevalence of bleeding symptoms and gynaecological problems in affected and healthy women. Healthy women with menorrhagia will be also analysed in order to find the prevalence of not-diagnosed bleeding disorders
  To evaluate the type and efficacy of treatments used to manage different groups of women with bleeding disorders in comparison with healthy women

These goals will be reached by the analysis of complete and detailed information on clinical history, bleeding symptoms and treatment of women, retrospectively collected by a tailored clinical questionnaire. (download file.doc)

The results of this study are important to decide how to proceed with further studies and what type of action is required in different region of the world.

If you are interested in such a programme, please click first on the 1° questionnaire (download file.pdf) to let us know what is your experience in this field. Afterward, go to the specific 2° questionnaire (download file.doc) and complete one questionnaire for each of your female patient affected by bleeding disorder and one questionnaire for a non-affected women coming from the same geographical region (non-family member).

After two years of data collection (2007-2009), an advisory board formed by renowned epidemiologist, gynaecologists and hematologists will analyse the collected data, report the results and decide how to proceed with further studies.